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Tennessee Technology Workforce Alliance

The Tennessee Technology Workforce Alliance (Tech Alliance) is a statewide alliance of over 72 employers, state agencies, local governments, workforce development agencies, service providers, advocacy organizations, trainees, and service recipients—all committed to meeting the needs of employers and job seekers through technology training and placement in high quality jobs in the information technology industry.

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  Persevere and the Tech Alliance

Persevere developer

The Tech Alliance system is employer-driven, with employers including Banyan Labs, Forbes Magazine, and ProTech committing to design curriculum, train instructors, provide on-the-job training opportunities and hire graduates. Persevere has also secured partnerships with the Tennessee Department of Correction, other government agencies, and community organizations across the state.

Over the next three years, the Tech Alliance will provide technology training, career readiness instruction, wraparound case management, job placement, and long time follow up and support services to over 1,700 Tennesseans.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Assessment, Referral and Treatment Services  |  Deadline: Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Persevere is seeking proposals for Substance Abuse/Mental Health Assessment, Referral, andTreatment Services for participants in its Tech Alliance program to be implemented at multiple locations throughout Tennessee. Please submit any questions by November 21, 2022.

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