Instructor Spotlight Davin Thomas

Instructor Spotlight: Meet Davin Thomas

At Persevere, our greatest asset is our staff. Our team cares deeply about their work, our participants and is a wealth of knowledge. Plus they are pretty amazing humans as well. Meet the faces of Persevere.

Instructor: Davin Thomas

Position and Location
Mark Luttrell Transition Center Instructor

How long have you worked for Persevere?
2+ years

Where are you originally from?
New Orleans, LA

What do you love most about your job?
I love being able to grow as a developer by always exploring newer and different technologies. I also love interacting with and helping others who have been written of by society (at large) acquire a skill that is life-changing.

Why Persevere?
Persevere is the only company that was able to clearly reveal to me the 2 things (mentioned above) about which I am passionate – 1) programming/coding (and all things IT) and 2) interacting with people.
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A professional athlete (1st – Football player; 2nd – Baseball player; 3rd – Basketball player.
Looking back on your life, who or what makes you instantly light up?
Family (my kids, my wife, my mom, my sister, my nieces and nephews, etc.).
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Don’t sweat the small stuff!!
Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day is a day that I spend with my wife exploring somewhere outdoors that is new to us, or her and I doing just about anything together.
What are you most proud of about yourself?
I am most proud of my sons. I believe that your kids reflect what kind of parent you are/were, and my sons are always getting complimented on how thoughtful, respectful, and selfless they are.
Favorite Movie or TV show?
The Matrix Trilogy is my favorite movie (of all time, my time), I think.
Do you have any pets?
I had 2 American boxers, but old age and cancer claimed the life of my male, Buddie, just over a month ago. Now, we only have Belle and she is as her name suggests, a Belle!! She is polite and nice on the surface, but a B_ _ _ h underneath, when she has to be.
What is something about you that would surprise us?
I like to cook and I love to bake. I especially love baking pies. I haven’t made any cookies, breads, or muffins yet; only cakes and pies. I can whip up and make a dozen of New Orleans signature candy, Pralines, in less than 5 minutes.
What is a project you are especially proud of?
So, my favorite project is always the individuals with whom I work, honestly. I know that I have a transferrable skill set as I have had a few offers to level up since being employed with Persevere. But I have rediscovered a sincere passion to teach, what appears to be a difficult concept to others, and witness them take ownership of it and run with it.  Other perks aside, I get the most fulfillment when an individual (or 2 or more) has an “Aha” moment. I have many projects that I have worked on (pro bono, mostly), and I have acted as an unpaid consult for other developers (friends and past coworkers) working on projects. But, helping others who know as much as I do, or more, is less gratifying for me than helping those who feel less empowered over the ideas/concepts that they work with.
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