Volunteer Spotlight Emmanuel Agba

Volunteer Spotlight: Emmanuel Agba

As you embark on your careers in software development, remember that the learning journey may not always be smooth, but consistency and adhering to a well-defined roadmap will undoubtedly lead you to success. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth. With persistence, you'll reach your goals.

What is your day job? How did you get started in your field?
My day-to-day revolves around crafting software solutions that enhance web applications, ensuring a seamless user experience. My journey as a software engineer began in college when I discovered my passion for solving real-world challenges through software. Since then, I’ve been on a continuous learning and growth journey, finding immense satisfaction in creating elegant solutions and contributing to the evolving tech landscape.

What kind of education, certifications, training were required to get where you are now?
To reach my current position, I pursued a path of self-education within the developer community, learning from experienced professionals who generously shared their knowledge. Certifications played a pivotal role in solidifying my understanding of software development. I highly recommend following a well-defined learning roadmap, obtaining relevant certifications, and undergoing essential training to excel in your learning journey.

How did you hear about Persevere? What attracted you to the cause and this organization in particular?
I learned about Persevere through my community on Slack, and as someone who benefited greatly from learning within a community of skilled professionals, I felt a strong connection to the cause. I saw the chance to give back to the community that had contributed so much to my own growth and opportunities. I’ve been volunteering with Persevere for approximately a year now, and it’s been a wonderful experience. As a volunteer, my role involves serving as a one-on-one coding mentor, assisting program participants in honing their skills and guiding them on their journey toward a new career path. It’s incredibly rewarding to be a part of their growth and development.

In your opinion, what is the most important work that this organization does?
In my perspective, the most significant impact of this organization lies in its ability to empower participants with life-changing skills. It offers individuals the opportunity to embark on a career path in software development, supported by a nurturing community that is consistently there to provide guidance and support. This combination of education and community is transformative and provides a genuine chance for positive career change.

Do you have an anecdote about this cause/organization that really moved you?
Persevere’s commitment to providing training and opportunities in software development for justice-impacted individuals is truly inspiring. Witnessing how this organization offers individuals a pathway to a better life through education and career prospects has deeply moved me. It’s a powerful reminder of the positive impact that education and opportunity can have on lives, even in the face of adversity.

What other hobbies and interests do you have?
In addition to my professional pursuits, I have a diverse range of hobbies and interests. I enjoy video games, hiking, reading, traveling, listening to music, and exploring the latest in technology.

If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’ve always dreamed of vacationing in California, primarily because it’s home to many of the world’s leading software companies. Exploring the tech hubs, visiting these influential firms, and experiencing the vibrant tech culture would make for an incredibly enriching and enjoyable vacation. California offers the perfect blend of professional inspiration and natural beauty.

Do you have any advice you would like to give to the developers as they start into their careers?
As you embark on your careers in software development, remember that the learning journey may not always be smooth, but consistency and adhering to a well-defined roadmap will undoubtedly lead you to success. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth. With persistence, you’ll reach your goals.

  • Callie Unruh

    AZ Program Manager + Communications Coordinator | Callie is passionate about social justice, and the intersection of holistic solutions to systemic issues of poverty and works to create a society where everyone can thrive. She received her bachelors in Journalism and Masters in Non-Profit Management. Callie is ready to change the world through project management, community engagement, good stories and a good spreadsheet. On the personal side Callie grew up in Oregon and misses the rain. She loves coffee, community and creating a life of impact from the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona. But most days you will find her cooking, gardening and chasing after two crazy boys.

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